Everyone needs a little space for themselves. Women might have a room-turned-closet, a beautiful kitchen or a room for crafty hobbies–but for men, it’s a man cave. Whether it’s full of video games, sports articles or high-tech, man cave decor can transform a dull room into a masculine sanctuary. These man cave ideas will change a room, basement or attic into a space for men to hang out and enjoy what they love.
This article is written thinking of my husband and his need of freedom — the freedom to dream, plan, think and set goals for our life and in the same time have fun and enjoy life.
Every man cave should have a large TV, preferably hooked up to a surround sound system and also every video game console known to man. A computer, laptop or tablet and a high speed internet connection are also a must have!
2. A Couch
Couches have to be very comfortable while watching movies or football games. Because they don’t need to be very attractive, you don’t have to spend a fortune on them. If the man of the house has lots of friends that come over to play games or just to grab a beer, a larger sofa should be considered.
3. Drinks
Drinks in a man’s cave are a must. You can have a mini fridge stocked with cold brews or a wine rack, together with some glasses, so you do not need to pick them up from the kitchen each time. You can also design a bar inside the man cave if you want a cherry on the top.
4. Man cave decorations
Man cave ideas can be fun and need to fit man as a glove. So take into consideration his interests: sports, comic books or movie posters, cars or bikes, all of them are great for a mancave. Don’t forget about displaying funny messages on the walls or right from the door.